Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is generally considered to be an impairment that occurs within individuals which affects their ability to community, interact with others,  and sensory integration.

It is necessary for children with ASD to receive early intensive behavioral interventions to promote positive outcomes and improve educational planning. It is important to highlight that there is not one single way to educate or provide an intervention to a child with ASD.  Caregivers and educators should use positive reinforcement or praise to strengthen behaviors. In addition, it is imperative for caregivers and educators to understand that behaviors always serve a function.  Data collection is a necessary intervention to target behaviors, use observation to assess the behavior, and uncover functions of behaviors. 

Best-practice for working with youth with ASD is accurate diagnosis, early intervention, appropriate referrals to outside providers, and other evidence-based strategies. 

Harrison, P. L., & Thomas, A.  (2014). Best practices in school psychology (6th ed.) [4-volume set]. National Association of School Psychologists.

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